Profile picture Ken

Who I am

I'm Ken Beckers, a freelance back end and DevOps engineer with a knack for system thinking. With my background in operational management and cognitive psychology I can easily translate between business requirements and technological solutions.

What I build

Performant and resilient back end applications and infrastructure with a focus on pipelines (CI/CD), testing, and architecture. I get enthusiastic designing systems from scratch, interacting with stakeholders, and testing out all possibilities within given limitations.

My toolbox

  • Coding | Java | JavaScript | Python | R | React | Solidity | SQL | HTML | CSS |
  • Operations | Ansible | CI/CD Pipelines | Docker | Ganache | Grafana | Jenkins | Linux | Team Foundation Server | Truffle |
  • Testing | Chai | Cucumber | Fitnesse | JUnit | Mocha | Nose2 | PyTest |
  • Scrum Master